Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reflection on workshop (Unit Four)

Reflection on Writing Workshop

The workshop presented concentrated on the important first steps writing teachers make as they plan for success in their classrooms. Several important steps were outlined, such as writing activities should be planned to ensure there is structure to the lessons. It was also outlined that planning is important because it helps teachers of writing ensure that students have many opportunities to participate in the writing process. One teacher from the workshop suggested that teachers need to consider what writing experiences they want for their students, and also the ways in which they will know the students have mastered these experiences. She went on to say, “We need to create time for kids to write- and to write in school – and we need to create time for kids to talk with each other, and to receive coaching on their writing.

The ideas presented by these teachers show their emphasis on student centered writing classes. They take their students learning needs into consideration, and plan their lessons to ensure that students eventually master the skills and experiences which are necessary for their development into effective writers.

Their ideas about planning also show that they are firm believers in the process approach to writing. One teacher’s ideas about kids talking with each other and receiving coaching on their writing is at the heart of the process approach, where students actively use feedback from their peers to help them rewrite and revise their pieces of writing to produce a piece which they feel is ready for publishing.

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