Friday, December 17, 2010

Reflection on the Reading writing Connection

Reflection on the Reading Writing Connection

After reading the power point presentation and viewing the video, what I found most interesting was the point that reading can be used to scaffold writing, and vise versa. When reading lengthy or complicated texts, I have found myself making written notes where I would paraphrase certain sections, orsummarize it in the margin. I found doing this help enhance my comprehension of the text. Putting it in my own words also made it easier for me to remember what I had read. I never realized that I was using writng to scaffold my understanding and learning. It is also true that reading aloud or even silently what has been read helps generate better pieces in the end.

After viewing the video, the comments by the third teacher really caught my attention. He said that when students see writers as decision makers, and that the events from a book does not just fall out of the sky, this is a crucial turning point in their understanding . I think this can also impact the way they approach the writing process and see themselves as writers. This realization can give students a sense of empowerment as they realize that they too can make decisions about the plot of a story. It will also affect the way they read books, as they will become more critical readers and question or rationalize the decisions made by the writer in the story.

Teachers can help students see themselves as decision makers in the writing process by giving them a piece of writing, and allowing them to make choices as to how to rewrite the plot.

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