Thursday, December 16, 2010

Evaluation of the narrative Piece

Evaluation of the narrative piece- Alina (Unit Three)

There is a logical flow of ideas throughout the story. The beginning, middle and end of the essay are coherent, and the reader is not left to fill in any gaps. The story also securely relates to its title. Details of all the events or scenes in the story are related to how the author met Alina or how he feels about her. The characters and problems in the narration are also well developed through conversation and descriptive details.

The time and place of the story is also clearly set and sometimes help explain why the characters act or feel a particular way. The writer is also able to successfully use conversation to develop or reveal the personality of characters in the story. Conversations are also used to reveal the interrelationships among characters.

The writer was also able to use figurative language in interesting an imaginative ways, which created a pleasant reading experience for the audience.

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